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active japanese distilleries

Active Japanese Distilleries

Active Japanese Distilleries 1
The below list and map represent the most complete list of active Japanese distilleries, while a number of other distilleries have historically been active there are only 9 distilleries presently in operation including Suntory’s grain distillery. Yamazaki Distillery The Yamazaki Distillery was founded in 1923 by Kotobukiya (now Suntory) under the ownership of Shinjiro Torii and the expertise of […]

Whisky and Japanese

A good whisky comes from Scotland. Especially if it’s a single malt ggoes the old adage. But this unwritten law wobbled and fell apart thanks to Japanese distillates. Once called exotics, they’re getting rid of more and more prizes at competitions and blind tastings – setting trends. Now the top position is endangered. “For relaxing […]

Whisky Myths Dispelled

There is a lot of misinformation and misconception out there about whisky which can predjudice your whisky world view and deprive you the excitement of exploration, explore the most popular whisky myths with Uisce Beatha